My Favorites
The Greens Tapestry is one my favorite project right now. Remember the green yarn I collected a few weeks back? I did a little sample on a small loom so I could determine sett for the warp and know how much weft yarn I might need.
I’m having so much fun! As I’m writing this post all I really want to do is get on my loom and weave. I’m going with the flow with this project at the same time I want to work on my curves and understand how the fabric is created. So I’ve pulled out Tapestry Weaving by Nancy Harvey to answer my questions and asked friends their tips and tricks. I’ve also rewatched a few videos from Weaving on Little Looms Class from Rebecca Mezoff here.
Cotton Spinning Project is my second favorite. I’m spinning fifteen minutes a day most days and sometimes more. Some days I’m actually making yarn somedays I’m winding off bobbins so I can spin the next day. A few days in May the day got away from me and I didn’t spin and that’s okay!
This was all spun on my Charkha
I know I said I was going to ignore the cotton fiber that needed to be carded. I was inspired a few weeks ago and started making punis. I kind of suck at it. I’ve been watching a rewatcning Joane Ruane adring videos here. That’s okay. I’m both struggling and enjoying the challenge to find my process.
I spun some of the punis on my Hansen Espinner. Those skeins are little thicker than the yarn I’m spinning on my Charkha. So I’m spinning the rest of the punis on my Charkha to compare.
Spun on my Hansen Espinner
I pulled out the upland cotton I’ve had for a year or two and finally ginned it! That is I removed all the seeds of 4 ounce of cotton. I ended up with a little less than 2 ouches of fiber.
After I finish spinning the last of the local cotton I will start spinning this as well. I plan to cycle between spinning punis, undyed sliver and the dyed sliver to keep it interesting.
Ginned Upland Cotton
All the Seeds!
I think the most challenging part of both of these projects is the time investment. I’m not alwasy the most patient person. The cotton spinning project won’t be finished until I make something with the yarn. I hope to make something with the the yarn next year.
The Greens Tapestry Project will be done sooner. I’ve woven about eight inches so far. I want the peice to be about 30-36 inches long.
Granny Square Stasbusting Project is my third favortie project. This morning I pulled out all the squares out and laid them out on sweater I like to get an idea of how man squares I might need to make.
35 squares for each fron side
72 squares for the back
48 for the sleeves
I have made 110 squares so far. I need to make at least that many more as well as some triangle grannies for shaping. This feels more doable! Maybe this will be done sooner than I expected! There are more than 30 weeks left this year. If I could only make 10 squares a week and last week I made almost 30 squares. I could make 300 squares by the end of the year.
I hope you take the time to take a look at your projects today and see where you are and get reacquainted with your favorites.